Donnerstag, 29. August 2013

Create Virtual Machine with Windows Guest using Qemu/KVM in Ubuntu Linux

I think Qemu/KVM represents a nice native alternative to Virtualbox or similar. Although all the GUI-tools (like aQemu or Qtemu) are broken in Ubuntu 13.04, it's really easy to setup a VM using the terminal. Precisely, you only need 3 commands to get a running VM:

  1. Create an image, where your VM is installed in. For Windows (>XP) take at least 18Gb:

    qemu-img create -f qcow2 ~/VMs/Windows\ 7/Windows\ 7.qcow2 18G

  2. Install your preferred OS in the created image:

    qemu-system-x86_64 -hda ~/VMs/Windows\ 7/Windows\ 7.qcow2 -cdrom ~/windows7_image_x64_.iso -boot d -m 4096 -cpu kvm64,+nx -enable-kvm

    Explanation for the parameters:
    This launches the typical Windows installation, whereas your new image represents your HDD to install to and -cdrom sets your installation media. The -boot parameter ensures that your VM boots the proper partition (you might can leave it out) and the option -m reserves 4096MB RAM for your VM (adapt it to your system). The -cpu parameter ensures that a 64-Bit CPU is emulated, because it's a KVM CPU you have to enable KVM in Qemu too.
    Note: Adapt the options to your system, especially in case your x86 user!
  3. After installation completed, launch your VM with:

    qemu-system-x86_64 ~/VMs/Windows\ 7/Windows\ 7.qcow2 -m 4096 -vga std -enable-kvm -cpu kvm64,+nx

    Of course you need to define the CPU again, enable KVM and set the memory. The option -vga std enables more and higher resolution within your VM, so use it if your are unsatisfied with low resolution.
That's it ! Of course you can also Linux VMs with it.

Two additional tips:
  • If your mouse pointer is caged within VM, free it with LEFT-[CTRL]+[ALT]
  • You can reach your Host from the Guest from the IP This might be handy for web developers.

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